Singular nouns The boy’s uniform is blue. Plural nouns The boys’ uniforms are blue.Детальніше
Singular Possessive Nouns The possessive case is chiefly used of: people; countries; animals.Детальніше
few + countable plural, a very small number of, not enough. a few + countable plural, a small number of, not many but enough.Детальніше
Expressions of time, money and distance usually describe a measurement of the entire quantity which is thought of as a single entity considered togethДетальніше
Many a, more than one + singular verb. Many a day has been passed in leisurely reading.Детальніше
When majority/minority mean an unspecified number and is not followed by a plural noun more often a singular verb is used: The majority holds noДетальніше
Nouns that are Always Singular Examples Names of substances considered generally: bread; cream; gold ; paper; teДетальніше
aircraft (самолет) craft (ремесло) quid () bison (бизон) deer (олень) moose (лось) offspring (отпрыск) sheep (овца) Детальніше
archipelago - archipelagoes echo – echoes mosquito - mosquitoes box - boxes embargo - Детальніше
Rules Examples and as clarification does not make the single subject plural My closest collДетальніше