Грамматика английского
Affirmatives Questions Negatives I You He She It We Детальніше
Bare infinitive is used after: can could may might should must wДетальніше
singular collective nouns (act collectively as a unit, in unison) (clues: a/an, each, every, this, that, its, etc) Детальніше
Body description. Are you brunette/blonde? Are you brown-eyed/blue-eyed? Are your cheeks rosy in the frost?Детальніше
House. Household chores: Do you look after your garden? Do you often scrub a kitchen floor? Do you like your neighbours?Детальніше
№ Rule Example 1. It + to be + proper noun(s) that (= more preferable)/who: It was Peter who/that lent us money. (not Paul).Детальніше