Happy First Day of September. Australia

Each country has its " First September", but in othersit does not exist at all. In Poland, the school program includes the excursions of students at least once a year to other regions of the country with a cognitive purpose. In Latvia, they invest in supporting talents not only for schoolchildren but also for teachers, so as not to be in a situation like Germany, where there is a deficit of school teachers. To stay the second year in the same class for a French student is not a tragedy. And in Canada it is easy to do without parent's fees, even a personal meeting with a teacher is not encouraged and is possible only by prior arrangement.


Australian schools do not have " First September" (this is a traditional "celebration" for our schools on the occasion of the first day of training with lines-up, bouquets, etc.). And not only because the school year here begins at the end of January - in early February (depending on the state), but, most importantly, in order to avoid parents'and children’s stress who return to study after a vacation, or toddlers who go to school for the first time. So there is no "holiday of the first bell" in Australia, it's just that the children end up holidays and they continue to study.

By the way, in order to pay the greatest attention to thesmallest pupils, on the first day of the school year only they and the final classes come to school. Before that, the "kiddies" (as they are called from the name of the first class kindergarten), get acquainted with the future school while attending a kindergarten (preschool), which organizationally belongs to the same school. They spend a kind of familiarizing, training day at school. 

During these visits, they are shown their upcoming classes, they are introduced to teachers, and the main goal of this event is to show the children that no terrible change for them in the new status will take place. As a result, they feel more confident and much more relieved to go to school. As a result, the school is associated with children with something pleasant - a place where it is pleasure and fun to spend time, where you meet new friends. 

The full cycle of secondary education is designed for 12 years and is divided into three levels: Primary, Secondary and High schools.

So a child, who first goes to school in Australia, is very easy to wake up in the morning with the question: "Are not you going to school?" - they immediately wake up, so as not to miss the school. At the first lesson on the first day in school - the kids are given balloons at the entrance and give the first fun task: to find their own class, to which door the ball of the same color is tied, and also the first teacher is dressed in the color of the ball. No two-hour line-up and speeches! 

Having found a class, the child leaves a ball and a backpack in front of the class on the hooks for backpacks, signed by the names of students and goes to the room to open, discover, and try everything that is there. A teacher approaches everyone, gets acquainted, asks what he is doing, and says that now she is playing and studying with them.

Neither children nor parentsdress festively on this day. Students of Australian schools are required to wear a school uniform, each school has its own and has several options for different weather,. So children come to school in the usual school uniform, and their parents are in everyday clothes. Often, when it is hot, it may be ordinary T-shirts, flip flops, shorts. Kids begin to go to school at 5 years. 

The full cycle of secondary education is designed for 12 years and is divided into three levels: Primary, Secondary and High schools. The school in which the child should go depends on her place of residence. You can ask for a place other than your place of residence, but this is up to school administration.

Typical subjects that children study at elementary school are English, reading, spoken language, writing, human society and the environment, mathematics, programming, dance, music, drawing, physical culture. There is also a general subject “science", which From the first year of school children are taught to speak publicly. Quite often, students are given the task of preparing a story on a topic, teaching them to express their thoughts and share knowledge with others.

There is no habitual assessment there. Approximately once a quarter the evaluation is carried out by independent teachers (from another school, representatives of the State Department of Education, etc.). Twice a year, parents receive a report that depicts all disciplines and presents grades from "limited knowledge" to "outstanding knowledge". It is mandatory to add to each discipline a column assessing how the child perceives the material and whether he actively participates in the discussion.

In addition, there is a system of encouragement in Australian schools: students receive "certificates" for their achievements, success or additional work. Certificates are received by each kid at least once perterm, for the help of friends or a beautiful picture. In the elementary school, all the lessons are taught by one teacher, who changes each year, as well as the composition of the class.

 Parallel classes are mixed together - it is believed that in this way a child learns to establish social relationships, build relationships with others. The scope of homework gradually, from class to class, increases, but in general (according to state regulations) does not exceed 30-40 minutes per day.

In general, it can be concluded that school life in Australian schools is "fun", not a tedious routine and an unpleasant duty.

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