Her First Day In School
Polly goes to school when
she is six years old. She likes her first day very much. Her teacher,
Miss Yates, is very nice, and the other children in her class are nice,
too. But at the end of the second day, when the other children leave the
classroom, Polly stays behind and waits.
Miss Yates has some work to do and does not see Polly at first, but then she looks up and sees her. "Why don't you go with the others, Polly." she asks kindly. "Do you want to ask me a question?"
"Yes, Miss Yates," Polly says.
"What is it?" Miss Yates asks.
"What is the day like at school today?" Polly says.
Miss Yates laughs. "What is the day like at school today?" she says. "Why do you ask me that, Polly?"
"Because I'm going to go home now," Polly answers, "and mother's going to ask me."
From Stories, Tales and Songs — укладач О.І.Близнюк