Multiple noun subjects (with or/and)



and as clarification does not make the single subject plural

My closest colleague and best friend has recently divorced her husband (My closest colleague is my best friend) = 1 person

Your style and even your handwriting needs to be improved. (clarification – even your handwriting)

and as a link to mean a whole inseparable thing, so called a compound noun makes the subject singular

Bread and butter is all that is provided with the tea (this is a sandwich)

Fried eggs and ham was Sam’s favourite dish.

Breaking and entering is against the law.

The bed and breakfast was charming.

and as a link to mean separate things, which can function in independent sentences, makes the subject plural.

The heat and humidity deter tourists from visiting the country during the summer. (heat is not humidity) = 2 things

Bread and butter are sold in the shop on the corner (2 separate things)

The baseball players and the manager were disappointed after losing the big game.

or between singular nouns makes the subject singular.

The brush or the comb is in the bathroom drawer.

or with multiple nouns either singular or plural makes the verb agree with the nearest noun to it.

The boy or his parents feed the parrot every day.

Parents or their child feeds the parrot every day.


  1. Spaghetti and meatballs goes/go well with garlic bread.
  2. Peanut butter and jelly is /are available in the cafeteria.
  3. Meat and potatoes were/ was my grandfather’s favourite meal.
  4. My husband and best friend like/likes doing the dishes.
  5. My husband and his best friend fish/fishes every Saturday.
  6. Peanut butter and potatoes are/is my favourite foods.
  7. The dog and cats bother/ bothers me.
  8. James or John knows/know who is coming to the party.
  9. The dog or the kids was/were making a racket downstairs.
  10. The kids or the dog was/were making a racket downstairs.
  11. Two and two equals/equal four.
  12. Buns or bread are/ isnot quite expensive.
  13. Chocolate cakes or chocolate ice-cream are/is my favourite.
  14. Pencilsor pens is/are on the table.
  15. My pen-pal and bosom friend is/are arriving soon.


  1. Spaghetti and meatballs goes well with garlic bread.
  2. Peanut butter and jelly is available in the cafeteria.
  3. Meat and potatoes was my grandfather’s favourite meal.
  4. My husband and best friend likes doing the dishes.
  5. My husband and his best friend fish every Saturday.
  6. Peanut butter and potatoes are my favourite foods.
  7. The dog and cats bother me.
  8. James or John knows who is coming to the party.
  9. The dog or the kids were making a racket downstairs.
  10. The kids or the dog was making a racket downstairs.
  11. Two and two equals four.
  12. Buns or bread is expensive.
  13. Chocolate cakes or chocolate ice-cream is my favourite.
  14. Pencilsor pens are on the table.
  15. My pen-pal and bosom friend is arriving soon.
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