Phrasal Verbs "wear..."
Phrasal Verb | Translation | Example |
wear away | изнашиваться со временем, стираться (о дереве или камне) | Constant dropping wears away a stone, constant flirtation saps the character. |
wear off | исчезать, выветриваться (о чувствах) | Your nervousness will wear off when the exams are over./ The shock began to wear off. |
wear out | устать, выбиться из сил; износиться (про одежду, обувь) | He wears me out. I’ve worked so hard today, I’m worn out. I'm just wearing this old coat out. Under normal conditions, shock absorbers wear out slowly. |
wear down | подавить сопротивление | A few weeks in solitary confinement will wear down the prisoner’s resistance. |