Santa has many other names in different countries: St. Nickolas, Father Christmas, Father Frost, Grandfather Frost and others.
Santa has a white thick beard, he wears a red coat with a white collar and a black belt, he also wears a red hat and black boots.
Santa Clause lives at the North Pole.
Santa Clause is married and his wife’s name is Mrs Clause. Santa has got assistants - elves. Elves work all year round in workshops. They make toys for children from all over the world. The elves read children’s letters and always know who wants what. Santa and the elves bring presents to all good boys and girls when they are sleeping. They come on Christmas Eve and put presents into socks. Santa has a list of naughty children: naughty children do not receive presents, they receive coal for Christmas.
Santa has only two days to give each child a present. While in one part of the world it is daytime, Santa delivers presents there, then in the other part of the world. Santa visits over 95 million homes on Christmas Eve. Santa has got extremely fast sledge. Santa’s sledge travels at the speed of light: about 671 million miles per hour.
Santa has got 8 reindeer: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen and the ninth reindeer Rudolph. Rudolph is a special reindeer. He has a glowing red nose that lights the way for Santa. Santa’s deer fly so high that nobody can see them. Santa says some magic words to make his deer fly. Nobody knows these words. Many children leave milk and cookies for Santa, his elves and deer. The way is long and all they get hungry.
If you want to write a letter to Santa, do it right away. Address it to the North Pole. Santa’s magic will pick it up and get it to him.
Santa takes a very short vacation after the holiday. He spends it with Mrs Claus. Then he gets back to work until the next New Year. He is always watching how good you are, remember!