
Autumn begins with the ninth month, September. September has 30 days. While it is usually still warm out at the beginning of September, people have to switch on heating during the month. It gets colder.

A lot of migratory birds are already on their way to the warmer regions of the world. Farmers drive the cattle down from the mountain pastures in autumn. The cows are brought back to the valley into the stables. In September begins the transition from summer to autumn.The nature charms us. When you look at the trees and bushes, they change the green color into the most beautiful, brightest colors ever. The rich green colours of the leaves change into brown, red and yellow ones.

The last warm days of the month of September are also known as Indian summer. The exact origin of the term is uncertain. It was perhaps so-called because it was first noted in regions inhabited by Native Americans - Indians.The Indians were the first to describe Indian summer to Europeans. They called September an Indian month as it was very warm when they hunted. 

In German Indian summer is called Altweibersommer (old woman). But this word has nothing to do with old women. This word is associated with spider webs, which were called Weiben. In September morning, there is dew on spiders’ webs, which makes the webs glow.

In earlier times people were superstitious and thought that those threads brought good luck. Today, we are not so superstitious anymore. However, the old terms Altweibersommer and Indian summer have remained to this day. On the 21st of September the equinox indicates the autumn beginning.

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