Поиск по тегу «eit»
1. Прочитайте запропоновані питання на множинний вибір, щоб отримати уявлення про що йде мова. 2.Детальніше
У цій частині тесту потрібно прочитати уривок з тексту, за яким слідують питання.Детальніше
Subject Predicate (active) Object (whom) Bare Infinitive I We Детальніше
Many a, more than one + singular verb. Many a day has been passed in leisurely reading.Детальніше
Greeting a recipient Dear Mr / Ms (surname), Dear Sir / Madam / Sir or Madam, Opening remarks I would like to apДетальніше
Letters of invitation can be formal or informal depending on the situation and who we are writing to.Детальніше
Letter Sample You have been invited to attend an interview for a job vacancy.Детальніше
When majority/minority mean an unspecified number and is not followed by a plural noun more often a singular verb is used: The majority holds noДетальніше
Letters of accepting invitation are written in reply to invitations either in formal or informal style.Детальніше
As well as - not only... but... / in addition to...1. As well as joins two subjects My neighbours, as well as my colleagues, have come to the party.Детальніше