Поиск по тегу «noun»
Singular Possessive Nouns The possessive case is chiefly used of: people; countries; animals.Детальніше
Expressions of time, money and distance usually describe a measurement of the entire quantity which is thought of as a single entity considered togethДетальніше
Nouns that are Always Singular Examples Names of substances considered generally: bread; cream; gold ; paper; teДетальніше
Words of Foreign Origin Ending in O Singular Plural albino alto auto archipelago Детальніше
Consonants + y = ies Vowel+y+s an ally - allies an army - armies a baby - babies Детальніше
Singular Plural a child a die a firman a foot a goose a louse a man Детальніше
aircraft (самолет) craft (ремесло) quid () bison (бизон) deer (олень) moose (лось) offspring (отпрыск) sheep (овца) Детальніше