Поиск по тегу «present perfect»
Don’t ask: When? Let’s ask: How long?Детальніше
Present Perfect versus Past Simple in Grammar-Conversational Worksheet Actions and periods finished (unfinished) up to now versus actions finДетальніше
Huang Fu is a very rich man. “I have become rich, because I am clever and I work a lot.” His farmhand Hop is very poor.Детальніше
Have you walked today? Where did you go? Have you fed your pet today? What did you feed the pet with?Детальніше
1. Have you ever tried to wiggle your ears? 2. Have you ever sneezed with open eyes? 3. Have you ever hiccupped non-stop for no reason? 4.Детальніше
What have you achieved so far?Детальніше
Comment on the following examples. Change them into Active Voice. Think of a proper action doer if it is not mentioned.Детальніше
Affirmatives Questions Negatives I You Детальніше