Trypillya: Multiple Choice

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by Iryna Stus

Archeologists have unearthed close to 50 settlements so far. More discoveries to follow.

Excavations of the Trypillian settlements are taking place in the village of Lehedzyne, Cherkasy oblast. Bertrand Coste, a French patron, and a group of representatives of the Ukrainian mass media recently visited the archeologists. As the director of the expedition Volodymyr Kruts highlighted that it was the largest known Trypillian settlement between the modern villages of Lehedzyne and Talianky. Scholars have long been interested in the huge settlements of the Trypillians between the Ruh and the Dniester. Their dimensions are astonishing: the settlement at Talianky has an area of 450 hectares, that at Maidanets - 250 hectares.

Geomagnetic surveillance showed that they contained 1,500 to 2,800 buildings located in concentric circles, inhabited by 6,000 to 25,000 people. So far, less than 50 settlements have been excavated. According to the director of the expedition, it takes half a month to clear the site and reach the top layer of the constructions.

Oleksiy Korvin-Piotrovsky, the project leader, stated that a building with unique architectural details had been found this year; the floor and the altar survived in a particularly good condition. There was the first recorded evidence that the people who left the dwelling took the furnace, a symbol of the family hearth, with them. The pot found under the house was probably the family talisman. The project leader emphasized that such results enable scholars to make inferences about the micro-chronology of the development of settlements.

The expedition to excavate the Trypillian settlements started in 1981. Mr. Coste has been co-financing the research for more than 10 years now. From time to time he arrives at the excavation site to see the progress, celebrate the successes and gains together with the expedition, and settle certain issues that arise in the course of excavations.

What urged the French businessman to create, in 2001, a joint project with the Institute of Archeology at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the charitable fund SEARCH Foundation “Exploration of Gigantic Settlements of the Trypillian Culture”?

“Ukraine is a young independent state with an ancient history. There was a lot of talk about the Trypillian culture, but nothing was getting done. That is why I decided to help the Institute of Archeology at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,” said Coste.

By the way, in the recent years the expedition has been financed totally at the expense of its patrons. Scholars do not get any state funds for excavations. “Our dream is that the officials at least let us expand the sphere of research, help create favourable conditions for work, and realize at last that financial support for the projects preserving the historical heritage will enhance the patriotic sentiment of the Ukrainian people,” emphasized the participants of the expedition.

Taken from The Day 42, August 19, 2010

6. According to the first paragraph the Trypillian settlements ________.

A are the centre of the world mass media

B are being advertised by the French

C are sponsored by Ukrainian mass media

D are being studied by the scholars

7. What does the author mean by saying that “the dimensions [of the Trypillian settlements] are astonishing” (line 7)________ ?

A Scholars are to spend much time excavating the ancient relics. 

B The Trypillian settlements cover the territory of two modern villages. 

C The total area of the settlements is difficult to believe. 

D The Trypillian settlements were located far from each other.

8. Which of the following can be inferred from the text?

A The Trypillians built their dwelling in geometrical figures. 

B Scholars have to work for nearly two weeks to get to the first artifacts. 

C The settlements were overpopulated. 

D The Trypillian settlements should not have been excavated.

9. According to the text, which of the following is TRUE?

A The object were believed to have magic power. 

B The Trypillians didn’t know how to heat their dwellings. 

C There was no evidence concerning the Trypillians’ religious beliefs. 

D The scholars did not manage to make inferences about the micro-chronology of the development of settlements.

10. When talking about the expedition to excavate the Trypillian settlements, the author mentions all of the following EXCEPT ________.

A the number of people involved in the project

B the organizations and institutions participating in the project 

C the sources of financing the activity 

D the total area which is to be explored

11. According to the text, which of the following statements is WRONG?

A The archeologists are waiting for the permission to expand the sphere of research.

B The aim of the project is to make the Ukrainian people proud of their past.

C Mr. Coste has been supporting the project for more than 10 years.

D The project is funded by local authorities.

6.D; 7.C; 8.B; 9.A; 10.A; 11.D