​The First Of September

  1. Is the 1st of September your favorite day? Why?
  2. Where is September on the list of 'the best months'?What is the weather usually like on this day?
  3. What do you usually do on this day?
  4. Have you bought the school things yet? What did you buy?
  5. What is there in your school bag now?
  6. How much do you miss your school friends in summer?
  7. What did you feel when you saw your friends on the first of September?
  8. What did you speak about?
  9. Where is your place in the class?
  10. How much has your class room changed since summer? How does it look like now?
  11. How do you meet your teacher on this day?
  12. Is the first of September an expensive holiday? Why ?
  13. What do people wear on this day? What did you wear?
  14. Do you have to buy any books for school?
  15. What will your school year be like this year?
  16. If you made a September festival, what would you it be like?
  17. Is there any delicious food you eat in September?
  18. What famous holidays are there in September?
  19. How should people celebrate in September?
  20. If you made a video about September, what would you put in it?
  21. How do you feel when September arrives?How do you feel when September is over?
  22. What are your memories about previous Septembers?
  23. What do you post in social media in September.
  24. What adjectives describe September the best?
  25. Why do you think some people suffer from September depression?