Word Confusion: Alone, Only, Solely, Sole

Word Confusion: Alone, Only, Solely, Sole

1. Obesity is not caused by over-eating alone / only.

2. was alone / sole in the office

3. Alone / Only in certain cases does this behavior cause anxiety.

4. She alone / solely knows what happened.

5. This is risky alone / solely in terms of the environment but not financially.

6.Many women experiencing abuse feel alone / sole and ashamed.

7.This evidence alone / only is not enough to condemn someone to a life in prison.

8. The children alone / solely would eat that much.

9. This wine goes well with food, but is also very good alone / solely.

10.I got him alone / only and asked him what had really happened.

11.She doesn't mind being alone / sole because she never feels lonely.

12.He was alone / sole with his thoughts.

13.He felt very alone / only when he went away to school.

14.She was her mother's sole / solely support.

15.Let conscience be the sole / alone judge.

16.He became the sole / alone heir to the property.

17.The sole / alone aim of the program is to help the poor.

18.She was the sole / alone survivor of the tragedy.

19.Icy roads were the sole / alone cause of the accident.

20.He has sole / solely jurisdiction of the area.


1. Obesity is not caused by over-eating alone / only.

2. was alone / sole in the office

3.Alone / Only in certain cases does this behavior cause anxiety.

4.She alone / solely knows what happened.

5.This is risky alone / solely in terms of the environment but not financially.

6.Many women experiencing abuse feel alone / sole and ashamed.

7.This evidence alone / only is not enough to condemn someone to a life in prison.

8. The children alone / solely would eat that much.

9. This wine goes well with food, but is also very good alone / solely.

10.I got him alone /only and asked him what had really happened.

11.She doesn't mind being alone / sole because she never feels lonely.

12.He was alone / sole with his thoughts.

13.He felt very alone /only when he went away to school.

14.She was her mother's sole / solely support.

15.Let conscience be the sole / alone judge.

16.He became the sole / alone heir to the property.

17.The sole/alone aim of the program is to help the poor.

18.She was the sole/ alone survivor of the tragedy.

19.Icy roads were the sole/ alone cause of the accident.

20.He has sole / solely jurisdiction of the area.

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