Можно ли употреблять WILL после IF?

IF is followed by will in the meaning of

1. whether not condition

I am not sure if I will stay there longer.

2. a) an emphasis on a result in the condition, meaning “indeed”, certainly, well to be done.

He'll pay me $10 if I'll help him do the dishes.(Doing the dishes is the result of paying ten dollars: He'll pay me $10 if I well / indeed help him do the dishes.

b) ’echoic', reflecting a previous speaker's use of will, indicating that it is the truth:

("John will be here tomorrow") — "Well, if John will be here tomorrow we'd better get that presentation done tonight.” (“Well, if John is well / indeed here tomorrow we'd better get that presentation done tonight.”)

c) when will is used to indicate an inherent quality or capacity:
If your car will hold all of us I don't need to take mine. (If your car well/indeed holds all of us I don't need to take mine.

3. a polite request

If you will send me an email now, I will consider your business proposition as soon as possible.

4. a refusal with not (WON’T)

If he won’t sign a document, I will have to look for another way out.

5. meaning to wish / want / allow

He wasn't a very honest person, a liar if you will.

6. a willingness / intention / obstinate insistence for emphasis

If you will keep bothering me with questions you will hear some answers you don't like.

If he'll listen to me I'll be able to help him. (If he is willing to listen...)

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