My Weekdays (Present Simple)

Level: A2

Activity: reading

During weekdays I usually wake up early. I usually get up at 7:30 a.m. I usually make my bed. I usually make my bed in about 45 seconds. I check my phone. I have my shower and brush my teeth. I don’t usually spend a lot of time in the shower. I usually spend about 15 minutes in the shower. When I wash my hair, I can usually spend about an hour in the shower. I usually dry my hair in 40 minutes. I usually get dressed in about 20 minutes. I eat my breakfast. I usually eat eggs with ham. I sometimes get cornflakes with warm milk for breakfast, but I don’t like eating cornflakes a lot. I often drink coffee with my breakfast. 

I usually take out the rubbish from the kitchen in the mornings. I usually drive to work. I sometimes drive to work in a cab. I rarely go to work by bus or trolley. I never go to work by tram. I usually drive to work in half an hour. I work for a law firm I usually clean my office desk in the evening, but I sometimes clean it in the morning. I like sitting at a clean desk. I don’t like the rubbish on my desk. I usually meet with my clients in the morning. All my clients are usually quite nice. I usually eat my lunch at work. I have usually got lunch from home but sometimes I can order lunch from a restaurant.

I go home quite late in the evening. When I come home I sometimes check our mail box. I usually iron my children’s school clothes for tomorrow in the evening. I usually haven’t got time for the cinema or friends, but sometimes I can go to the cinema with my husband and two daughters on Friday evenings. Our children love going to the cinema on Fridays. Sometimes we cannot go to the cinema and we watch a film at home. We like watching

cheerful family films. When we go to the cinema our family likes going to the café for dinner. We can order a pizza to our house on Fridays when I and my husband don’t want to cook. Sometimes we can do the shopping for the week on Friday. We usually do big food shopping once or twice a week for meat and fish, but we can always buy milk or bread in our little home shop. I rarely meet with my friends during weekdays.

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