Поиск по тегу «games»
You have received a letter from your English-speaking penfriend in which he/her writes that his Dad bought him a laptop and now he/she can play computДетальніше
Word Translation climbing frame/jungle gym лазалка roundabout карусель Детальніше
An ace – a playing card in the standard French deck, which has a single large and decoratedsuit symbol (a heart, diamond, spade, or club) lДетальніше
Divide the group into two teams. One team – crosses X, the other team – noughts O. Draw the squares on the blackboard.Детальніше
by Larissa Katiukha Age: 11 – 12 Level: pre-intermediate Concerns: Present Continuous, describing goods in the mall, shopping Procedure: StudenДетальніше
by Svitlana Matska Age: 14 – 16 and adults Level: pre-intermediate and intermediate Concerns: Conditionals, crime vocabulary ProcedureStep 1: making cДетальніше