The Little Bee

by Olena Chala

It is a story about a little bee. Why has it got black and yellow stripes?

It is summer. It is hot and sunny. It is a small house. There is a nice garden behind the house.

Look! There are green trees in the garden. There are colourful flowers in the garden. They are nice. They are red and blue. They are pink and purple. They are white and yellow. How pretty!

There is one red rose in the garden.

Hush! Let`s look inside. What is it?

What is there inside?

It is a bee. It is a little bee.

It is sleeping. It is sleeping in the rose. It is dreaming.

Now, look! It is opening its eyes. It is smiling.

- Hello, a little bee! How are you?

Bee: Hello! I am fine, thank you, and you. How are you?

- I am OK, thank you. May I ask you a question, Bee?

Bee: Yes, of course.

- Why have you got black and yellow stripes?

Bee: It is a very interesting story. Let`s listen.

I am a very small bee. I am white and so pretty. I am naughty and unhelpful. I am not kind. I am not friendly.

I am in the garden. I am flying. I am flying between flowers.

I can see a little butterfly. She is crying. She can`t fly. She can`t open her wings.

Butterfly: Mh, mh… Help me a little bee. I can`t fly. I can`t open my wings.

Bee: No, I can`t. I can`t help you. I am very small. I am very pretty. I can`t touch you.

I am flying. I am flying between flowers. I can see a small black ant. He is crying. He can`t walk. He can't move his legs

Ant: Mh, mh… Help me, little bee. I can`t walk. I can't move my legs.

Bee: No, I can`t. I can`t help you. I am very small. I am very pretty. I can`t touch you.

I am flying again. Oh, look at me. My body isn`t white. My body is black now!

Bee: Mh, mh… What is happening? Why am I black? I want to be white again. Mh, mh, …

Sun: Don`t cry! Don`t cry!

Bee: Who are you? Why are you talking to me? Leave me alone!

Sun: I am the sun. I am yellow and hot. I am friendly and helpful. I can help you.

Bee: What can you do?

Sun: I can give you yellow stripes. It is my favourite colour.

Bee: But my body is black now. I haven`t got any yellow stripes. Mh, mh…

Sun: Listen to me! Can you help the butterfly? She can`t fly. She can`t open her wings.

Bee: But I am small. I am so pretty. What can I do?

Sun: Just help and I will give you one yellow stripe.

Bee: Ok, I will try.

Sun: Can you help the ant? He can`t walk. He can`t move his legs. Just help and I will give you two yellow stripes.

Bee: Ok, I will try.

Now, look at me! I am small and very pretty but I am kind and friendly.

I have got a nice body. I have got yellow and black stripes. I am very happy.

Thank you, little bee. You are really small and pretty. You are really kind and friendly.

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