Поиск по тегу «zno»
Your pen-friend complains he/she lives in a small town and there is nowhere to go out with friends and no major events happen there, so he/she is lookДетальніше
How do movies or television influence people's behavior? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.Детальніше
the + comparative + the + comparative for parallel increase The bigger the house is the higher the bills are.Детальніше
Most Most = very (mainly with adjectives of two or more syllables) You are most generous = You are very generous. It is most annoying.Детальніше
Whole less formal, a bit more common implies the wholeness of a single undivided object, not a collection of parts, not a sum of parts; not brokeДетальніше
The "base word" (the most "significant" word) adds -s/-es a tennis shoe - tennis shoes a woman-doctor - women-doctors an assistant headДетальніше
Subject Predicate (active) Object (whom) Bare Infinitive I We Детальніше
Many a, more than one + singular verb. Many a day has been passed in leisurely reading.Детальніше
Greeting a recipient Dear Mr / Ms (surname), Dear Sir / Madam / Sir or Madam, Opening remarks I would like to apДетальніше
Letters of invitation can be formal or informal depending on the situation and who we are writing to.Детальніше